
Welcome to the SNV-KALRO Agro-Weather Advisory Platform, your all-in-one solution for accessing critical information and resources to enhance your agricultural endeavors. Developed through the partnership between the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) and SNV, this app is designed to empower farmers like you with valuable insights and tools across various domains, including weather, market information, and good agricultural practices.
Key Features:
1. Weather:The weather tab provides you with real-time weather updates and forecasts that are crucial for making informed decisions about your farming activities. Weather significantly impacts crop health, water availability, and fertilizer requirements. By staying updated on climate patterns, you can determine the best times to plant, manage pests and diseases, and optimize your crop yields.
2. Market Information:Access up-to-date market information, including prices and market factors, to help you negotiate with traders effectively. This feature also supports the efficient spatial distribution of your products from rural areas to towns and between markets. Making informed decisions in the marketplace is key to maximizing your profits and market reach.
3. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs):The GAPs tab guides you through the implementation of certified agricultural practices that ensure the safety and wholesomeness of your produce. These sustainable methods not only benefit consumers but also contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of your farming operations. By following GAPs, you can enhance the quality and safety of your agricultural products.

